A n z e i g e n

Source Global Research


Source is a leading provider of research about the global management consulting industry. Founded in 2007, and with offices in London and Dubai, Source serves both consulting firms and their clients with expert analysis, research and reporting.

At the heart of our research is a model of the consulting industry containing data on several thousand firms around the world. Data in the model comes from extensive desk research and thousands of interviews with senior partners in consulting firms. We also carry out large-scale surveys of CXOs and their direct reports, asking for their views of consulting firms. In January 2016 we’ve surveyed almost 3,000 people, all of whom were asked to give an opinion on three firms, so around 10,000 data points in total.

Independent and influential, Source’s research is used by all the world’s major consulting firms as well as major media organisations including The Economist, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times and Bloomberg.


(aktiv im Conplore Magazine)

Quelle: Alle Informationen und Medien bereitgestellt durch das Unternehmen.

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