How to – How to publish a Conplore guest post
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Does your personal brand need an update?

How to publish your guest post on!

5 proven steps to a published top article
- Topic suggestion: Free initial consultation / topic check
- Text creation: Creation of the guest post by you / your agency
- Editing: SEO-optimized editing on
- Publication and feedback & post teaser in social and business networks
- Google listing check & billing

We already have many experts and companies on board like …
+++ etventure – Wertmodell – COMATCH – e&Co. – Haufe Advisory – Acuroc – Brand Trust – Dr. Wieselhuber & Partner – Ernst & Young – Future Business Consulting – Deutsche Post DHL – Fiedler & Partner – goetzpartners – Homburg & Partner – MRP Consult – Logsters Management Consulting – Simon-Kucher & Partners – West Trax Deutschland – Weiler International – Verso Central Europe – KPMG … +++

Your personal guest post in Conplore Business Magazine
Option 1 – The expert interview:
After a first, short briefing the Conplore editors elaborate an individual interview guide for you. You answer thematic relevant questions and complete a short expert profile.
Option 2 – The expert article:
Send us your expert article and receive a 1st editorial feedback. In addition to the expert article you send us details for a short expert profile.
Referring to option 1 + 2: After the submission of the expert interview / expert article, answering the questions and the transfer of additional picture material (like expert portrait photo and logo), etc. we edit the contents in Conplore format and list your expert profile in our expert registry and we publish your guest post without time limitations on Finally we spread the post via our social media channels.
Option 3 – The news post:
You send us your press release / your news post and receive a 1st editorial feedback. Usually we publish your news in the Conplore News section within 1-3 business days – including (if wished) a title pic researched by us. Finally we spread the news post via our social media channels. The guaranteed publishing period is 1 year minimum.
Option 4 – The expert book portrait:
You send us a press information with the book publishing date, book cover, ISBN, a short book portrait and a short author portrait. We publish the short book portrait in the Conplore News section and spread it via our social media channels. The guaranteed publishing period is 1 year minimum.
Option 5 – The job portrait:
You send us a message with the request to describe and promote your job in detail – aiming at sharing information about your expertise, the required education and the job requirements, details of your employer or company and possibly open vacancies.
We send you an individual customizable job portrait guideline. After submission of your job portrait we will process the publication on Conplore and increase the outreach via our social media presences.
If you are interested in a cooperation, please send us an e-mail to:
„We position companies and experts online with their contents and topics since more than 10 years. Yet the publication of expert contents and business news is an effective and valuable instrument for qualified lead generation, building trust and longterm brand management.“
TOP features
Depending on the chosen Conplore-content marketing package a paid guest article with dofollow backlinks to your website can be characterized by the following features:
- Professional SEO-optimized editing on the site
- Possible formats: Technical article, written expert interview, news article
- Free choice of topics (except for legally questionable topics)
- Text creation by you / your agency, possible text languages D or ENG
- 1-5 do follow links may be placed in the guest post
- HTML editing of the article by Conplore editors
- Guaranteed duration of at least 24 months (most articles remain published indefinitely afterwards)
- Short expert / company profile at the end of the article on request
- Social media posting as a teaser for the article via business networks and social media
- Checking the listing of the article on Google
- Guest article will be announced as a new article on our homepage for at least 1 month
Our content marketing packages and editing fees for guest posts can be found here:
Hint: This offer is exclusively addressed to companies and entrepreneurs in sense of German BGB. No private clients – business clients only.
Your contact partner

Would you like to publish a guest article on CONPLORE?
I would be happy to advise you personally and free of charge in the first step!
Send me an e-mail to or call me on: +49-30-8853 0706.
Yours, Matthias Buchholz